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In deze masterclasses licht ik de 'hot topics' toe in geperiodiseerde krachttraining. Deze masterclasses zijn voor iedereen toegankelijk. Eenmalige investering van € 49.



Hét unieke Nederlandstalige online mastertraject over geperiodiseerde krachttraining waarin jaren expertise, kennis en ervaring verweven zit. Een niet te missen opleiding in jouw traject als gedreven coach of kinesitherapeut. Eenmalige investering van € 795.


Mastertraject in Geperiodiseerde Krachttraining

Hét meest complete all-in-one online coachingstraject dat je kan vinden voor coaches die willen excelleren in geperiodiseerde krachttraining, inclusief 6 uitgebreide modules, videomateriaal, checklists, templates, én een fysiek werkboek per post.


Wie ben ik om jou dit allemaal te vertellen?


Een bescheiden expert in Geperiodiseerde Krachttraining met een trekrugzak vol ervaring.

De inhoud van mijn trekrugzak

2016 - 2022

Strength Performance Coach
Runners' Lab Athletics Team 

  • Strength Programming and Periodization towards European-, World Championships and Olympic Games

  • Pre-season and mid-season screenings and testings

  • Guided strength sessions with real-time feedback (velocity based)

FEB - MAA 2017

Sports Physical Therapist
Topsportcentrum Papendal (NL)

Academic internship 

  • Sports rehabilitation in elite and recreational athletes

  • Strength Training in long distance runners

  • Strength Training in volleyball players (National Team)

  • Injury prevention in cyclists

  • Sprint training and plyometrics in elite sprinters

OKT 2017

Sports Physical Therapist
Runners' Lab Athletics Team

Sports physical therapist at training camp South Africa, Dullstroom with the elite Belgian long distance runners

JULY 2021

Sports Physical Therapist
Team Belgium

Sports physical therapist at the European Championships U23 (Tallinn, Estland) 

MAY 2021

Sports Physical Therapist
Team Belgium

Sports physical therapist at the European Cup 10.000m (Birmingham, UK) 

APRIL 2018

Sports Physical Therapist
Vlaamse Atletiekliga

Sports physical therapist at the elite training camp in Flagstaff (USA) with the elite Belgian long distance runners

APRIL 2019

Sports Physical Therapist
Vlaamse Atletiekliga

Sports physical therapist at the elite training camp in Flagstaff (USA) with the elite Belgian long distance runners

OKT 2021

Strength Performance Coach

Vlaamse Atletiekliga

Docent / teacher Trainer A - Halve fond: krachttraining bij de (halve) fond atleet: basisbeginselen en periodiseren 

NOV 2021

Strength Performance Coach

Vlaamse Atletiekliga

Docent / teacher Trainer A - Halve fond: letselpreventie bij de afstandsatleet

2017 - 2022

Strength Performance Coach

STRNGTH Performance 

  • Strength program design for (elite) middle and long distance runners, triathletes, fencing, mountainbike

  • Screening and testing

  • Load and fatigue monitoring

  • Periodisation and planning towards European and World Championships, and Olympic Games

2018 - 2022

Founder - Manager


Symposium 'The Running Athlete: A Physio Perspective'. I talked about Periodised Strength Training

NOV 2023

Strength Performance Coach

SportR Roeselare

Symposium 'The Running Athlete: A Physio Perspective' where I talked about Periodized Strength Training

2023 - now

Strength Performance Coach

The STRNGTH Academy

Build my own online academy for STRNGTH coaches who wants to excellate in Periodised Strength Training

  • Mastertraject in Geperiodiseerde Krachttraining

  • Periodiseer & Presteer traject

  • Free checklists, PDF’s en Excel-files for coaches

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